For any who have assumed authority,
You make me not afraid to die.
When I am hungry, you do not feed me,
For it is February,
And you have only enough food to last until October.
When I cry you shun me,
For I am weak, and lack maturity.
When I am tired you do not let me sleep,
You seem to be afraid of where I go,
In my dreams,
I am also afraid.
When I am happy you suppress me.
I am sorry my smile might spread,
Like some disease.
I want to give all my money to you,
For you never seem to have enough.
Me and my companion,
We have sixteen pennies,
And we have eaten today.
I loved a girl but you may seduce her from me.
I know your wife and girlfriend cant provide
all the love you need,
Even when you beat it from them.
Lloyd Waller killed his wife and can't find love anymore.
You loved Lloyd Waller and can't find resolution.
Without me you could still whip your slaves.
Without me his brother George
would be beaten from sight,
And would not be an embarrassment.
I am sorry my shortcomings slow you down,
For you could surely rule the world.
If you knew me, you would kill me.
I know you and love you.
I walk right out into amber.
You make me not afraid to die.
I will ease your fears when you die.
You will never believe me.
I will not fail you.
You will be bitter.
I will feel sorrow.
You will assume your authority
For surely it is yours.
I bow humbly.