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Abstract & figural works, started July 2002.
July-December works.... This page is getting out of hand.. I prommis to archive most of this work at the end of the year.
I put some other works in their categories already. but I've been to busy and focused on painting and other stuff to organize this bunch.
30x40 in. Oil/Acrylic on canvas.

Nude fig. study 12-8-02
quick study with left-over oil paint.

Self Portrait
I just dig this quickie


Untitled Village

"Figure Praying"
18"x24". Oil/Acrylic on masonite

"Village Scene"
24"x18". Oil/Acrylic on masonite

18"x24". Oil/Acrylic on masonite

"Nude 2"
18"x24". Oil/Acrylic on masonite

"Surreal City"
20"x16". Oil on Linen
unprimed, sized with rabbit skin glue.

16"x12". Oil and acrylic on canvas

20"x16". o/c

"The Descent"
30"x24". o/c

"memory of creation"
Question - (dragoni689) "What does this depict?"
Response - (James) "I don't bother asking. I don't try to make statements or depict specifics in most of my art. sometimes they form scenes or buildings or people, and have obvious underlying feelings behind them, but I didn't sit down to paint a picture of creation. I just zone out and know where each bit of paint needs to go. In this case I had a feeling of building, climbing, soaring. radiating energy and life. the title is actually secondary. I often have trouble naming works. but this vision came from another place. from time to time I get flashes in my dreams, or while waking of divine beauty or horror, I like to show these feelings because so few people experience them, or if they do, they are not very able to translate them for others to share. My biggest goal as a painter is to show truths that are not easily accessable by most people. So I can help them share a behind the scenes look at the universe. My skill as a painter so far is descent at best.. I am still learning, buy my vision and creativity and ability and desire to express it are quite rare. I hope to one day join the ranks of painters like Masson, Pollock, Soutine, van gogh.. etc.. not for fortune or fame, but to show the rarest of realities that so few can show for the benefit of mankind to ponder."


