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Spirituality, Charcoals, 1998-2000
This series of work is primarily in charcoal, it coincided with some acrylic and oil painting on the same subject, along with the occasional
oil pastel. I am hesitant to call these religous works, although the term certainly applies in some cases. The commissioned piece below "Mercy".
is probably the best example of this. My spirituality has always been my primary source of inspiration, whether this
borders on religion or not is just a matter of semantics for me. Some of the topics are biblical, some border on shamanistic states of ecstasy.

This drawing is a more complex and
refined version of one i did a month before
after a brain snap. borderline scitzophrenic
it is a vision i saw where everything from the
carpet to my friends at the casa broke into
spinning faces of Jesus. 18"x24" colored pencil

First successful experiments with
stained glass like patterning
Also firs use of some shades of blue
for me. drawn over about 8 hours
in a very tranquil state of mind.
30"x40" colored charcoals

This drawing was done in a heavy
drunken fever in about 60 minutes
if ya believe that. I trance sometimes
and draw with both hands at once
Sometimes. kinda like fire walkin or
something. pretty intense took me years
of practice n training
26"x38" oil pastel.

This intense drawing was done in
about 8 hours very alone and pretty
loopy. Look for the 13 people in it. some
are hard to find and overlap. 46"x28" colored charcoal.

This one has already been sold
to my uncle. He seems to like it.
Pretty spiraling angels. It is about a 30"x40"
colored charcoal. I'll say no more
since everyone has asked for an

I did this for my girlfriend one night.
It is oil pastel, charcoal, inks, acrylic,
and oil paint. I painted in the dark
after the power went out.
Hope ya like, most of these available for sale. just e-mail me.
Last updated 9/30/01 4:00 PM